2011 m. spalio 24 d., pirmadienis

Church of St. Johns (lt. Jonų bažnyčia)

One of most interesting churches in Vilnius  (in tourist map i counted 31 church ) as it belongs not to the church as it is understood in Christianity, but to Vilnius university. Built in 1426 m, after baptism of Lithuania.
After Vilnius university’s beginning as Jesuit academy church was used mainly by proffesors, students, also as space for debates, defending theses, place to meet visiting kings. Nowadays all Vilnius university students gets their diplomas there, church also used as a place for some concerts.

In September 5th of 1993 church was visited by then pope Jonas Paulius II.
Vilnius bishopric once wanted St. Johns church to belong to them, but didn’t succeed . Almost all the time during it’s history church belonged to university and after regaining independence it was returned to Vilnius university. Nowadays church’s events are organized by Vilnius university and rectors of church.

In summer of 2011 church tower was opened for tourists and now it’s possible to climb to 45 meters height and get wonderful view of all old town.  Inside tower you will also see Foucault's Pendulum, a device to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth (it’s the only one such device in Lithuania).

St John the Evangelista and St John the Baptist church (Jonų bažnyčia)
Šv. Jono st. 12
Open 10 – 17 every day

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