Yesterday i was at the farewell of two great guys who walked to Vilnius on foot and made mistake to write one finnish guy that nobody would mind him coming. Biiig mistake. He took it as inwite ans started sending sms and calling 'to meet'. I wrote him that i gave him adress already and he arrived with bag of cheap booze only bomžai are drinking and telling that he thought it was houseparty. Later he followed us to actual houseparty and non stop talked mosty pure nonse. Then even started tread about Schengen. Dan, i really hate when people talk about legislation while only guessing what is written there. He told that he's planning buy bomžai booze and sell to finnish drunkheads and after i told that there are limits to things you can transport he started reapeating 'shengen shengen shengen' basically non stop. It was first time in long period when i felt as if explaining to person who believes that earth is flat that it's actually turning. And is so convinced that he's right that calls opinion 'shengen'. Ufff... I was glad when it was over and that person is gone. i siply hate criminals who thinks that they are doing nothing bad and are borderline alcoholics.
That day i managed to leave one of my favourite places without paying and thankfully i'm not in black list for forgetting it :) It seems that midsummer plans are also made - most probably going to Degantis Jonas fest. Wrote email to organisers to be sure - i plan to sleep for some time not to be annoyingly frustrated and don't want to survive another weeday when music was playing from 6 in the morning. Seems it would be great weekend :)
Also i was thinking about term "political correct". It's very important in country of close minded people who thinks it's center of the world and english is the only language they speak, but for me it was kinda funny sometimes. Once i got in the discussion about svastika and was called 'nazi' because it's simbol of the sun who was used and still being used in traditional handicrafts for ages, event before USA was founded. So respect to my background wasn't 'politically corect'. There in Lithuania most closed minded and agressive people are usually lithuanian-polish and lithuanian-russians. Polish is worst actually as they live in small communitys, don't really interact with locals, use their language, go to their churces, have their shools, marry amongst them and calls Vilnius 'nashe Wilno'. Some of them even don't speak lithuanian. I never saw reason why to live in another country if you just hide in yours own shell and don't even try to know country and integrate there, Lithuanin russians mostly are okay, just older people don;t even plan to learn language as it's assumed lithuanians should speak russian (most of foreigners are stupid enough to make that assumption till now, insulting locals that they speak with russian accent or so). I was suprisde when i learned that russian russians and polish polish are totally opposite - friendly and nice people. In coucnsurfing there's one lithianian polish who has no self respect and zero social skills so still lives with his mother. he hates locals, contantly insults them and identifies himself as polish, not even lithuanian polish. And is supported by CS staff. Even when he insulted homosexuals he was supported to go on. That's not politically correct and was called 'expressing himself'. So double standars in term of being politically correct.