2012 m. spalio 15 d., pirmadienis


Sometimes even I get lucky – life in new country, new city and new surroundings is going really well. Few weeks were quite stressful as I was desperately looking for a room to rent and moving every few days with big luggage.  Now I got place to rent in good location, quite cheap compared to Brno prices, but in kinda scary conditions – it’s terminated contract, I’m responsible for everything what might happen. 

I went to Prague to vote and meet some old friends from Erasmus in Estonia and just explore city. I stayed with two really great Croatian girls who are doing exchange in Prague. They told that culture there is quite similar to their home country, language too and it’s quite cheap for them. Also only eight hours away from home. Same like for me when I was in Tartu, though I can’t say culturally it was close. Prague is really beautiful as city but so crowded I was hardly able to breath and was always scared that something would be stolen from me. Also I was in city two years ago so it was rather strange when memories flooded and also walking and remembering that ‘I was there’.  Also it seems I already got used to Brno prices as everything seemed quite expensive for me.  I just once more felt that I made good decision coming not there.
Also I needed some rest from very disturbing experience with my previous host. On my last night there I was awaken by her roommate having drunken sex in the room I was sleeping in. that was even more awkward that my host making making sexual offers when I was in Prague two years ago.

It seems that I’m not as ready to independent life as I thought I am. I suck as expenses planning. I feel like I’m spending much more that I can and probably just making up for lost time when I was saving money to come there. Also my phone died. They said it’s probably not repairable as it got wet. Well, it can be true, but it was working just fine for two years after accident and died just one week in Brno. Seems like technical stuff is simply not for me. I’m just hoping that my old computer will live for a while till I save enough to get new one or at least change broken plastic cover. I like my old one though, it has many stickers on it, reminding me various moments.
New week I’m planning to force myself into actually doing something to change my life as till now I was just being relieved I’m there and enjoying time. I have to find job there or there will be zero money for me. And probably zero health insurance. And I feel I need that.

Somehow after meeting Ileana and Stepan I felt as if I made step backwards. They both doing their PhD, Ileana already has two masters. And I never made it to master's diploma being oldest of them. I just remembered feeling very awkward in Estonia, being 24 and doing masters why everybody around was doing PhD. In my country where education system sucks only bravest make it to PhD as it means very little money and lots of time. And students actually gets knowledge if they try hard as most lecturers don’t care about it.
When I got into university, I was excited at first. But it turned into shock as I came into the class full of dumb blondes with short skirts, long nails, fake hair and fake everything. Administration saw our program as third stupid brother where most of students pay to get paper and even supported cheating as dumb students financially supported university. I never got over shock that cheating was supported and I was told I will be kicked out of university if I report cheating again. I still kick myself that I started master in the same university. That was extremely stupid decision. And waste of family savings. I could have used it much better, for example coming there earlier. Few good things I got out of it was my Erasmus exchange time (most of it) and knowledge I got myself. I kept my mouth shut about cheating though. Biggest slut from my bachelor course, Regina, was in the same course with me. She bullied me all the tame, but I never got over fact she got away with it.

On the moments when I just was not able to brush it off, I missed my grandfather. He was only one from my relatives who always supported me no matter what. And was smart, loved and sociable. I wish that I would be able to became to be at least partially like him. I wish I will find love, stability and satisfaction with my life. And overcome my greed.