After moving to Czech republic, Brno, I
suddenly become aware how much I miss real, paper letters or post
cards. At my early days there I was buying postcards and sending to
relatives every week or so. I got word back only from few but still
was joyous about it. Now I really fancy buying pretty postcards when
I notice them. In this world and time when social networks takes big
part in communication, these letters and postcards is great pleasure
for me. Damn, I still remember that I got my first mobile phone at
age of 16 and as a kid used to play with friends outside, make
'sekrets' in forest and never find them (sekret is small miracle in
the ground, created with making a little hole, putting treasured
stuff (for kids it was flowers, small toys, candies...) and putting
piece of glass on the top). I know that dumb people assume that in my
country we speak russian and live in total soviet style hating all russians and polish, but while my childhood actually WAS in soviet style it was real childhood, not damaged by social networks and internet. I still enjoy reading books in paper..
I remember one time i was asked which time period i would choose if i had opportunity to travel in time. Based on how world is nowadays i knew at instant that i would travel back in time. But then i was doubting what i would choose - eighties somewhere in USA (i like feeling smarter than most of others and based on media this period was quite fun there) or 15th century somewhere in Russia (long explanation : central / western Europe was not safe for women as due to crazy Catholics and wars, and in Russia they always (almost) cherished they women and i would like to see more of a country). I decided on eighties as my historical knowledge took over.