2013 m. gruodžio 28 d., šeštadienis


Few days ago when for a second year i was stuck alone during holidays i contemplated importance of so called birth of Christ celebration. In my country even it being not catholic at all it's still a thing. But in my family it's kinda sad since my grandfather died (it was beginning of november) and we were only three left. It took a toll on my grandma and maybe because of that i'm kinda happy i don't have to spend it talking about a past. Even me myself being more realist/pessimist than optimist, i prefer talking and thinking about future, not past. Probably that's the reason i don't really enjoy company of avid travelers. Most of the time they are able to talk only about their past travels and don't even have sense of time. Few days ago i was spending evening with my friends and one of them spend 3 hours talking about his trip over the pound. It was interesting only for about half and hour and later i started thinking that maybe guy has not much happy moments now as he talks only what he already did/saw.
The only past moments i like to think about is my childhood as it was really happy times. Nowadays kids grow up dumb as they have mobile phones since early childhood (sometimes even in kindergarten), facebook and other social networks and don't communicate much eye to eye. In my country it's kinda hiding from existing issues in everyday life. Since Czech republic is kids adapted, i hope here is better. People in the streets are actually smiling.
Now i have few days of holidays and since my plan to go to Wroclaw didn't come to existence, i decided to spend it doing day trips around Czech republic and get to know country better. This month is kinda perfect for that - almost like as compensation for last year with freezing cold and snow till end of april, this december is really warm and temperature never went below zero. There's even green fields around despite now being almost middle of winter.
The only period i experienced which was close to winter was when i was to my home country when it was white and snowy and cold for almost a week. But cold in Lithuania is very different from one there. I used to spend lots of winters hiking even during night at around - 20C and it wasn't cold because air is quite dry and if dressed properly one simply doesn't mind the weather. There it goes to -2C and only thing is one's mind is to hug radiator and don't leave home. Surprisingly for some people Czech republic is humid country even not having sea or other proper water pounds. I guess humidity comes from evergreen forests and hills. But now it feels like really warm autumn.

2013 m. gruodžio 17 d., antradienis


Once upon a time i had great plans for myself. I wanted to grow up doing lots of stuff and learning new things, but somehow i got stuck there. Now i am at the good time and place but sometimes don't have courage. That's how i learned importance of having friends. Once a lone in foreign country people around me became important.
Now i'm in hard place. I decided to move out my apartment as i'm ridiculously overpaying compared to living conditions (old house, smoking inside - my flatmate does it, small). Thankfully one of my friends offered temporary place to stay. I decided that this time i would be more careful looking for place.
First time i had to move because of landlord. He was living in the flat and had no boundaries - knocking at door when i was sleeping, doing repairs in early mornings. Everything person who is not used to live with other people would do. I was creeped out actually. Especially that instead of telling me something directly used to send text messages. After being tired (couldn't sleep with all the doors banging and drilling early morning or late at night) for couple of months i got enough and started looking for new place. He actually asked me to move out before i told him, so it was easier. I found my current place quite quickly then.
Now main issue is my mentally not stable flatmate. She was hiding it quite well. But the fact that she's freeloader get out pretty fast. She used stuff i bought and never even contributed on cleaning stuff or toilet paper and even used my dishes. Later banging at evenings began. When new flatmate moved in i started to stuffer She forbid him to use balcony we all are paying for so he smokes in a room and i cannot use kitchen as i don't react to smell of smoke well. She even never took trash out, but put bag next to my door with note that i should do it. And kept attacking me on facebook but never had shame to tell me in the eye anything. So now i'm almost homeless as i gave my notice to move out till the end of the month. So i'm on a brink of change now.
I hope new year will bring great things to my life. I know what i want and where i want to be so now i just need courage and strength to achieve it.

2013 m. gruodžio 9 d., pirmadienis

Where's your home?

So, after one year abroad i came to visit my homeland and after one week i can sincerely say i miss my second home, Brno.
Somehow i had hopes that stuff improved up there, but it's what it was - just hopes.
To start with - public transport, ugh!.. User not friendly, rarely going and ages old. Two years ago they started so called 'reforms' there and then it went downhill. First names of stations were changed to longer, not pronounceable for foreigners ones which people strongly disapproved (old names are still unofficially used, nobody still says 'Karoliniškių poliklinika', they say 'Kometa' (name still used by taxi) and so on, especially on one which goes '... seniūnija'. Even language commission informed me (i actually wrote email) and said that their recommendation was to use short names, which our 'beloved' parish just didn't care about. Then e-ticket which didn't work at all for first few months and still not working properly and considered as swear word by locals. And instead of improving existing system, mayor still dreams about bikes and metro. Also Vilnius is not for active / young people. Not only zero night transport (after 23:00 basically impossible to get home if one doesn't live in old town), but also zero thoughts about most popular routes - overcrowded all the time and goes very rarely. And yet, 'only buses' lines were introduced. Damn, if i see Vilnius mayor or some parish officials one day, i will tell them they are stupid. Because they are, no matter how politically incorrect it is.
There's slight improvements in streets as Lithuania is leading ES parliament this year and politicians wanted to look good in international arena. But well, politicians don't live among people or use public transport so improvements is mostly in public buildings. Otherwise not much changes. Some places closed, some opened. I was really dissapointed that instead of one of my favorite places, 'Visų šventųjų baras' now there's quite awful place called ''Taverna diaspora' with overpriced beer and awful seating (trying to put 100 people in place for 30). 'Coffee hill' is also sadly closed...