So, after one year abroad i came to visit my homeland and after one week i can sincerely say i miss my second home, Brno.
Somehow i had hopes that stuff improved up there, but it's what it was - just hopes.
To start with - public transport, ugh!.. User not friendly, rarely going and ages old. Two years ago they started so called 'reforms' there and then it went downhill. First names of stations were changed to longer, not pronounceable for foreigners ones which people strongly disapproved (old names are still unofficially used, nobody still says 'Karoliniškių poliklinika', they say 'Kometa' (name still used by taxi) and so on, especially on one which goes '... seniūnija'. Even language commission informed me (i actually wrote email) and said that their recommendation was to use short names, which our 'beloved' parish just didn't care about. Then e-ticket which didn't work at all for first few months and still not working properly and considered as swear word by locals. And instead of improving existing system, mayor still dreams about bikes and metro. Also Vilnius is not for active / young people. Not only zero night transport (after 23:00 basically impossible to get home if one doesn't live in old town), but also zero thoughts about most popular routes - overcrowded all the time and goes very rarely. And yet, 'only buses' lines were introduced. Damn, if i see Vilnius mayor or some parish officials one day, i will tell them they are stupid. Because they are, no matter how politically incorrect it is.
There's slight improvements in streets as Lithuania is leading ES parliament this year and politicians wanted to look good in international arena. But well, politicians don't live among people or use public transport so improvements is mostly in public buildings. Otherwise not much changes. Some places closed, some opened. I was really dissapointed that instead of one of my favorite places, 'Visų šventųjų baras' now there's quite awful place called ''Taverna diaspora' with overpriced beer and awful seating (trying to put 100 people in place for 30). 'Coffee hill' is also sadly closed...