2013 m. kovo 2 d., šeštadienis


So, after five months in lovely town of Brno i finally have my ways of doing things and know what i like. What was really helpful for me in beginning was facebook groups. Now i classify ones i use like following :)
  1. Living in Brno - probably most useful one, although fairly new. Many great events and nice people one can meet in them (with few exceptions, but it's probably only me attracting idiots)
  2. English in Brno - their events gives opportunity to practice language, hear insults that one's accents is 'russian' and feel smart after meeting many idiots who don't know anything about geography
  3. Couchsurfers in Brno - mostly hardcore drinkers club
  4. Brno expat women network - that one is the worst. Most members are kid-crazed to lowest point and can talk only about diapers and doctors. Most of them don't know how to use internet so asks extremely stupid questions. Some of them are just posh to the extreme. Not very useful group for me. 
Best places to eat - definitely AVIA and Spolek.

What i miss there is longer working second hand shops. I miss having unique clother and some i would like to get just don't exist in shops. Also there in czech republic most clothes are XXXXL size although one would rarely see fat person. And i don't like stuff hanging on me. I like Gate shop in Avion because they have some nice stuff for fair prices.