2013 m. lapkričio 12 d., antradienis


I think I have addiction to internet. After my flatmates refused to go and pay for it it was cut off today (after two months not paying) and I felt so lost that I even ordered prepaid internet from O2 even though my experience with them says that that company just takes off money from your prepaid card without providing any service. Just in case i might need want to check facebook before head hitting the pillow. I cannot wait for awaiting change - changing the flat soon. We are now 3 and my flatmates goes over all my tolerance limits :
  • one of them smokes in the room, so corridor and  kitchen stinks and i cannot cook
  • other expects me to buy everything for the flat (like cleaning supplies, toilet paper, pay internet bill) and constantly lies about having no money
  • we pay by person, no room size, so i financially support these two without actually wanting it
  • we are not allowed to use balcony
  • one of flatmates keeps wifi router to herself and expect us all to pay same price for internet
 ... and so on. So after i come back from my hometown i hopefully will have new place to live.
I didn't saw my family for a year, so cannot actually wait for that. I keep checking news about my lovely hometown and even checked SBL page, even most of the time recommendations there are not really for my liking. But it's nice to see how much new places are opened and plan to check some of them. Even my salary is way too low i'm still ritch compared to Lithuanian salaries (when foreigners says 'it's cheap' there my initial answer is 'try to live with 200 euros, standard local salary per month then') . I like to check this page as well just to see if my memories is close to current state of things. Checked prices , but looks a bit off as current price for transport ticket is 3.5, not 2.5 Lt. And average monthly salary is around 1000 Lt smaller.