2012 m. spalio 31 d., trečiadienis

Self absorbtion and politics

I managed to almost score a job I really wanted and know that I will be good at so I’m really happy nowadays.  Now I’m not thinking about stuff which always stressed me out at home and just enjoying life there. And moving on. So far most of the people I met was really nice and helpful, aside liar without social skills Klara (since she attacked me with messages, I tried to get her off me telling that I found her interesting as person and wish positive experiences). Thing is I think she’s quite boring and maybe due to her age lack social skills. One thing is when you lie in some reference, another – when you keep telling person that (s) didn’t do something (s)he knows was done. That was really weird. And I wish she will get as negative experience as mine just to know how it is. She was so afraid to tell something in the eye that she lied only in reference, maybe to defend her actions. When I asked in forum how people would write reference in such situation I got few essays about me and that experience but nobody answered how they would react in case of negative experience – be truthful or careful. So I dropped it off. Now I’m being discussed in one of forums by some Norbert as not able to take answer I don’t like when there were no answers. Some nationalities never cease to surprise with their self absorbance…

I keep read news’ blogs from Lithuania from time to time just to know how it is. Now, few days after elections everybody talks about it. And I’m happy I left just on time as some people never learns. Main winners were social democrats, labor party and conservatives. Main coalition will be first two plus ‘law and order’ party. Hmmm… where to start… Social democrats are not bad per se. it’s just they talk a lot but do very little. They were ruling party before and pffff… Nothing. Labour party is party of criminals. Quite a few there are charged of some crimes, mostly financial. I actually like their leader Viktor Uspaskich as talker and business person, but as politician he's extremely bad. He is extremely layered person and actually it would be really interesting to talk with him a bit. He reminds me Artūras Zuokas a bit - talks a lot, has some nice ideas but in the end - pffff... And Rolandas Paksas party, well, i don't even know what to say about that. At least positive. I'm not really into politics but i believ that conservatives was best choice - they did some non popular decisions but it gave positive results during financial crisis.

Our Mushroom is also interesting. She expressed her opinion loud and clear, like she always does and it's actually first time i agree with her. Usually Mushroom appears as dictator, not president, and quite self absorbed one - thinking that her opinion is one and only and everybody has to agree. So many such persons in one small country gives big mess and lots of unhappy people. And highly sceptical me.