2014 m. gruodžio 7 d., sekmadienis


The best things in life some in small sizes. Well, at least for me.
After spending two years in beautiful city of Brno I just recently discovered fun in sports. After getting paralyzed almost year ago I turned to exercising for recovery and now I’m almost first time in my life happy with my body and feeling much better. Lucky for me and all sports lovers there Brno is full of green areas and parks (that's why this city makes me feel at home – by reminding my hometown Vilnius) which is perfect place for outdoors activity. I usually really like walking or fast walking (never liked jogging) in Luzanky park which is just next doors of my place
Sometimes I feel I spent more time in that park than in any other place in Brno – in summer it's perfect place for picnics with friends even person who assaulted me still clings around. In autumn it's perfect for walks and runs when leaves changes color and it turns stunning. Last time there were snow in Brno was almost two years ago and trees covered in snow reminded me home a lot.