2015 m. rugpjūčio 27 d., ketvirtadienis

Look over my shoulder

This month I finally used my vacation properly and went to visit my homeland for 2 weeks. That was interesting time, experiencing what probably happens to most emigrants – feeling a bit lost in the country I was born in. With some people I lost contact, some left country to go as far as United States, so most time it was just me and family, except some close friends. A bit sad observation – even though in Lithuania salaries are lower than in Czech Republic, everything except mobile prices are more expensive, sometimes significantly. When I started living in Czech Republic I used to see positive side of Vilnius every time I visited but now I see what can be improved. First of all, it would be nice to see some activity going on not only in city center and not only on weekends as now at some moments city looks dead.  Also public transport has waaaay to go – trams are probably not happening any time soon, but night busses, trolleys on time and more busses can happen (hopefully).
Also another point – Vilnius is not my home anymore, so I am detached and can observe critically. Euro was bad decision on current economic situation – country simply was not ready for this so prices increased and salaries decreased, so as a result people got even angrier.